Elevator repair and maintenance go hand in hand. If you properly maintain your elevator on a regular basis, you won’t see the need for repairs as frequently. This will keep your costs down. If you neglect maintenance and don’t address issues as they come up, you will face bigger problems later at a much greater cost – not to mention you will compromise the safety of occupants.

Here are some elevator repair and maintenance tips that may prove helpful.
Log your elevator’s operation when you need a repair: Keeping an accurate and up to date log on the repair needs and tasks associated with the elevator will help you keep track of how often it is used, any problems that crop up, and how quickly they were addressed. Don’t forget to note any odd sounds coming from the unit or any issues like sticking doors. Your elevator repair service will then be able to more readily diagnose the problem.
Perform a daily inspection: In addition to the log, inspect your elevator every single day to ensure no vandalism has occurred and that everything is working as it should.
Replace malfunctioning equipment immediately: From light bulbs and switches to alarms and call buttons, be sure to replace any equipment that’s not working properly immediately. Having them repaired by a professional will help to prevent unfortunate accidents or inconveniences. This is a great way to cut down on nuisance complaints too!
Refrain from using industrial cleaners: By using industrial cleaners, you can corrode the internal mechanisms of the elevator. Instead, let your elevator repair company perform this task or recommend an appropriate cleaner to prolong the life of your equipment.
Don’t overload the elevator: One of the most common causes of wear and tear is the tendency to overload the elevator cab. This can lead to increased wear on the mechanisms that help an elevator work properly. Plus, it poses a danger to occupants. It’s wise to avoid transporting goods that weigh more than a quarter of the cab’s max capacity. If this is unavoidable, contact your elevator repair company for advice.
Here at Mowrey Elevator, we can help you protect your investment with the following preventive maintenance program:
- Routine Examination
- Parts Replacement
- Record Keeping
- Housekeeping
- Adjustment
- Communication
- Lubrication
- Testing
We bring more than 30 years of service and a commitment to quality products as one of the biggest privately-owned elevator companies in the country. If you need a repair, please call our 24-hour service hotline. The Mowrey Advantage includes:
- Mowrey Maintenance Agreement
- Mowrey Inspection Service
- Elevator Telephone Service
The bottom line is, when you properly maintain your elevator, you help it to function better and last longer. On the other hand, poor maintenance can result in unnecessary costs and potential liability in case of an accident.