Bet you didn’t know there was such a thing as National Talk in an Elevator Day! Well, there is, and this year it’s July 29th. It takes place on the last Friday of July every year. The premise of this national holiday is simple: break the silence and strike up a conversation with a stranger… Read more »
Elevator Doors: Styles and Safety Requirements
Elevator doors come in a variety of styles, backed by their own sets of safety requirements depending on type. From large elevator lobby doors to small residential ones, you will come across a variety of styles as you go about life. Here’s a look at elevator doors, their vast styles, and their safety requirements. Types… Read more »
Mowrey Quality – 40 + Years of Quality
Choosing an elevator repair and installation company isn’t always easy. After all, what do you look for? Well, turns out, you look for the same things you would in any company: integrity, affordability, reliability, quality and experience. Here at Mowrey Elevator, we have all those things. That’s why we’ve been able to stay in business… Read more »
How and Why the Elevator Pitch Started
An elevator pitch is a quick, catchy pitch on a business idea that you’re looking to sell to an investor. It has to be fast, so-named the elevator pitch because it should be conducted in about the time it takes to ride an elevator with the intended recipient. Come out swinging with your most impressive… Read more »
Common Elevator Habits
We all have them. Or at the very least, we’ve been witness to them: elevator habits that everyone seems to do. Let’s take a look at a few of those habits and maybe get some closure as to why we do them repeatedly. We stare at the numbers: Being on an elevator with a car… Read more »
How to Modernize Your Elevators Without Closing Down
Chances are as a building owner, you’ve thought about remodeling your current office, apartment, store or headquarters. But you may get caught up in the more cosmetic aspects of those remodels, such as flooring and tile choices, carpeting, and décor. Don’t forget your elevators! They need to be updated too in order to stay up… Read more »
Elevator Standards Required to Pass an Inspection
Similar to a motor vehicle that must pass inspection every year, there are several standards in place that must be met in order for an elevator to pass inspection. These standards are largely governed on the state level, overseen by federal offices such as OSHA. To find out the specific elevator inspection standards in your… Read more »
How Elevators and Mowrey Can be ADA-Compliant
The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) was signed into law in 1990 by then-President Bush. In a nutshell, it provided the protection of civil rights to those with disabilities similar to the rights afforded by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made it illegal to discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national… Read more »
Manufacturing Marvels: Benefits of Working with Mowrey
Mowrey Elevator, a family owned business, has been designing, manufacturing and installing commercial and residential elevators and components since 1976. Featuring 18 service locations across the Southeast United States, Mowrey is proud to be one of the largest private elevator businesses in the country and leading manufacturer for Latin America and the Caribbean. At its… Read more »
Elevator Music: Do’s & Don’ts
We all know the sappy, synchronized, generic music that plays in elevators; in fact, you don’t even have to be in an elevator to hear it. Sometimes, it will be playing in banks, offices, cruise ships, airports, stores, and other places where gentle, relaxing music is called for. You’ll even hear it when on hold… Read more »