Why Preventive Maintenance is Essential to Your Elevator

If you are an elevator owner, you know you have to comply with local rules and regulations regarding its operation. You also know you have to get it serviced on a regular basis for safety. But have you ever wondered about why preventive maintenance is essential to your elevator? Let’s go over some of the… Read more »

5 Interesting Facts About Elevators

We bet you don’t think much about elevators in your daily life; yet, they serve an extremely important purpose in our everyday lives. Think about the elevators you encounter each day as you head to doctor’s appointments, malls, work, school, and points of interest on your vacations. With more than 900,000 elevators currently in operation… Read more »

The Extinction of Elevator Operators

There once was a time where every elevator in the country had an attendant to open and close the doors, greet guests and address any problems that cropped up. Not so today. We’re willing to bet there are still a few elevator operators here and there for historical and tourism purposes, but today, elevator operators… Read more »

5 MORE Things Not to do in an Elevator

Last month, we talked about some things you should never do in an elevator. Some were obvious, some were in line with common courtesy and some were just plain funny. Now, we add to that list with five more things to refrain from doing in an elevator. Don’t perform any sort of personal hygiene practices,… Read more »

Why You Need a Dumbwaiter

This useful piece of technology may sport a funny name but its use is invaluable in today’s commercial kitchens and even residential homes. It’s a simple yet important invention designed to enhance the operation of a home or business through the safe and efficient moving of objects from floor to floor. It can be used… Read more »

3 Reasons to Consider a Stair Chair

Stair chairs, or stair chair lifts, are devices used to help people go up and down stairs who otherwise wouldn’t be able to do so on their own. This convenient option is designed for residential settings, with lifts helping both the physically challenged and the elderly stay in the home in which they have lived… Read more »

The Benefits of Partnering with Mowrey

When you think about a partnership, you think of trust. That’s what Mowrey Elevator is all about: trust, integrity, honesty and customer service. We bring 40 years of experience to this industry that you’ll be hard pressed to find anywhere else. Our commitment to quality products makes us the go-to company for elevator maintenance. As… Read more »

5 Things NOT to do in an Elevator

When you hop into an elevator for a quick ride up to work or to your doctor’s office, you may just look straight ahead and go about your business. After all, there’s an unwritten rule of certain expected behavior, such as giving people enough space, pressing buttons for everyone if you’re at the front, and… Read more »

How Elevators Have Changed in the Past 120 Years

The very first elevators made their way onto the scene as early as the 1820s, although several iterations of primitive elevators had been experimented with as far back as ancient Roman times. Things were a lot different then and the elevators of those days barely resemble those of today. According to Buildings.com, the 19th century… Read more »